Why this venture?

Interest in innovation-related topics has grown significantly over the past few years in Portugal and is part of the DNA of Venture Way founders. The founders, people with eclectic backgrounds, experiences and interests, felt, in the course of their personal and professional activities, the desire to develop a collective project, open to people, organizations and communities, that responds to the free discussion and understanding of subjects associated with innovation in the most diverse contexts.

What's the idea?

Venture Way intends to be a hub for connecting thinkers, doers and leaders, searching in Portugal and abroad for real references in key areas, promoting the exchange of knowledge, actionable and relevant, the discussion of important topics in the sphere of innovation, bringing together academia, companies and entrepreneurs.

What's our proposal

Create actions that generate actionable knowledge and challenge people and organizations to develop critical views about the world, processes and forms of communication and cooperation, through the promotion and realization of events, training and mentoring, and in well-defined circumstances and contexts, can develop services strategic and investment consultancy.

Who's our audience?

All. However, the preferred target are curious, non-conforming, exploratory, creative people, with critical thinking and doers, and the organizations that incorporate them, all recognizing, accepting and promoting the principles that guide this project.

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