Education is an industry, and industries must transform

talk with Prof. Miguel Mira da Silva

Despite being an engine of social and economic transformation, Education is also an industry. As the pace of innovation increases, it's becoming clear the clash between incumbents and challengers as new education systems, new learning tools, and education paradigms start to emerge.

Should these new approaches replace our traditional education system? What should be the best balance between conservatism and progress, and what will be the best path to potentiate experimentation in a very traditional industry.

As an innovation leader at INESC-INOV and ICT teacher, Prof. Miguel Mira da Silva has been implementing different learning experiences using gamification and e-learning at Lisbon University, being responsible for the most successful e-learning master program in Portugal.

In this talk, we gather lessons learning from his experiences and discuss how these new experiences can complement and enhance our traditional education systems and address the need for change imposed by the new generations.

Watch the complete video on YouTube


but young people are very different from 30 years ago. In the face of these social changes, education is increasingly maladjusted.

should shift. “The demand of companies in Portugal is very low” and on the supply side, there is a set of basic life needs of companies (eg, “managing a project, making a presentation in public, writing a report” etc.) which students after their bachelor's and master's degrees do not know how to do.

however, experimentalism is very difficult in teaching in view of the fact that most of the funding for education comes from the state and the very strict rules in the building of courses. This conditions the evolution of teaching and "systems that do not evolve end up falling".

and industries are by nature conservative. Incumbents base their actions on what has worked in the past and what has led them to success. However, what exists is always changing and it is necessary to monitor, it is necessary to “bring new business models, based on new technologies” so that it is possible to do “increasingly better and with more quality”

however, higher education as we know it should not be the mono-solution of the system. Several teaching systems can coexist, some more theoretical, others more practical that as a whole better respond to the ambitions of each student and the needs of society. Part of teaching can be more iterative, more practical, more experimental.

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