The skills and the school of the future

talk with Prof. Sampaio da Nóvoa

The current education system has achieved fantastic results for decades. It has been a real engine of social and economic transformation and has enabled millions of people to have access to better lives and to become more relevant and capable of dealing with the challenges and opportunities of their times. However, technological, social and economic developments in recent decades have brought us new and profound challenges, and the pace of change will accelerate further.

What we learn today may no longer make sense tomorrow; the work done today by humans may be done by machines tomorrow; if today's average life expectancy is around 80 years in Portugal, it may be 100 years tomorrow. What do we need to learn in order to remain relevant and capable in a world in constant and accelerated change and in which the human being will live longer, but will finally have (non-living) beings with comparable levels of intelligence? How can the education system respond to these challenges? We talked with Professor António Sampaio da Nóvoa about these and other issues concerning to the future of Education.

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We are approaching the end...

of a historic cycle of organising the education system. The challenges of the 21st century require its transformation.

The new education system...

will be characterised by the diversity of spaces, methods and approaches (the school will not only be the classroom and what goes on inside it).

Education is not only about...

developing our individual skills, but also about what we can do together and for what is common. This public dimension must always be present.

The scientific, cultural and human training...

of teachers, as well as greater autonomy of action, will be fundamental elements for an educational system capable of adapting and preparing the new generations.

Learning to think and to work...

with others will be crucial. The educational system must aim at the formation of educated and cultured citizens, capable of cooperating with others, understanding different perspectives and thinking about their surroundings.

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